325 research outputs found

    On the Heat Transfer in Rayleigh-Benard systems

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    In this paper we discuss some theoretical aspects concerning the scaling laws of the Nusselt number versus the Rayleigh number in a Rayleigh-Benard cell. We present a new set of numerical simulations and compare our findings against the predictions of existing models. We then propose a new theory which relies on the hypothesis of Bolgiano scaling. Our approach generalizes the one proposed by Kadanoff, Libchaber and coworkers and solves some of the inconsistencies raised in the recent literature.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Towards a unified lattice kinetic scheme for relativistic hydrodynamics

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    We present a systematic derivation of relativistic lattice kinetic equations for finite-mass particles, reaching close to the zero-mass ultra-relativistic regime treated in the previous literature. Starting from an expansion of the Maxwell-Juettner distribution on orthogonal polynomials, we perform a Gauss-type quadrature procedure and discretize the relativistic Boltzmann equation on space-filling Cartesian lattices. The model is validated through numerical comparison with standard benchmark tests and solvers in relativistic fluid dynamics such as Boltzmann approach multiparton scattering (BAMPS) and previous relativistic lattice Boltzmann models. This work provides a significant step towards the formulation of a unified relativistic lattice kinetic scheme, covering both massive and near-massless particles regimes

    Universality of anisotropic fluctuations from numerical simulations of turbulent flows

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    We present new results from a direct numerical simulation of a three dimensional homogeneous Rayleigh-Benard system (HRB), i.e. a convective cell with an imposed linear mean temperature profile along the vertical direction. We measure the SO(3)-decomposition of both velocity structure functions and buoyancy terms. We give a dimensional prediction for the values of the anisotropic scaling exponents in this Rayleigh-Benard systems. Measured scaling does not follow dimensional estimate, while a better agreement can be found with the anisotropic scaling of a different system, the random-Kolmogorov-flow (RKF). Our findings support the conclusion that scaling properties of anisotropic fluctuations are universal, i.e. independent of the forcing mechanism sustaining the turbulent flow.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Kinetic approach to relativistic dissipation

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    Despite a long record of intense efforts, the basic mechanisms by which dissipation emerges from the microscopic dynamics of a relativistic fluid still elude a complete understanding. In particular, no unique pathway from kinetic theory to hydrodynamics has been identified as yet, with different approaches leading to different values of the transport coefficients. In this Letter, we approach the problem by matching data from lattice kinetic simulations with analytical predictions. Our numerical results provide neat evidence in favour of the Chapman-Enskog procedure, as suggested by recently theoretical analyses, along with qualitative hints at the basic reasons why the Chapman-Enskog expansion might be better suited than Grad's method to capture the emergence of dissipative effects in relativistic fluids

    Evolution of a double-front Rayleigh-Taylor system using a GPU-based high resolution thermal Lattice-Boltzmann model

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    We study the turbulent evolution originated from a system subjected to a Rayleigh-Taylor instability with a double density at high resolution in a 2 dimensional geometry using a highly optimized thermal Lattice Boltzmann code for GPUs. The novelty of our investigation stems from the initial condition, given by the superposition of three layers with three different densities, leading to the development of two Rayleigh-Taylor fronts that expand upward and downward and collide in the middle of the cell. By using high resolution numerical data we highlight the effects induced by the collision of the two turbulent fronts in the long time asymptotic regime. We also provide details on the optimized Lattice-Boltzmann code that we have run on a cluster of GPU

    Matched filters for coalescing binaries detection on massively parallel computers

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    We discuss some computational problems associated to matched filtering of experimental signals from gravitational wave interferometric detectors in a parallel-processing environment. We then specialize our discussion to the use of the APEmille and apeNEXT processors for this task. Finally, we accurately estimate the performance of an APEmille system on a computational load appropriate for the LIGO and VIRGO experiments, and extrapolate our results to apeNEXT.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    Energy-efficiency evaluation of Intel KNL for HPC workloads

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    Energy consumption is increasingly becoming a limiting factor to the design of faster large-scale parallel systems, and development of energy-efficient and energy-aware applications is today a relevant issue for HPC code-developer communities. In this work we focus on energy performance of the Knights Landing (KNL) Xeon Phi, the latest many-core architecture processor introduced by Intel into the HPC market. We take into account the 64-core Xeon Phi 7230, and analyze its energy performance using both the on-chip MCDRAM and the regular DDR4 system memory as main storage for the application data-domain. As a benchmark application we use a Lattice Boltzmann code heavily optimized for this architecture and implemented using different memory data layouts to store its lattice. We assessthen the energy consumption using different memory data-layouts, kind of memory (DDR4 or MCDRAM) and number of threads per core

    Using accelerators to speed up scientific and engineering codes: perspectives and problems

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    Accelerators are quickly emerging as the leading technology to further boost computing performances; their main feature is a massively parallel on-chip architecture. NVIDIA and AMD GPUs and the Intel Xeon-Phi are examples of accelerators available today. Accelerators are power-efficient and deliver up to one order of magnitude more peak performance than traditional CPUs. However, existing codes for traditional CPUs require substantial changes to run efficiently on accelerators, including rewriting with specific programming languages. In this contribution we present our experience in porting large codes to NVIDIA GPU and Intel Xeon-Phi accelerators. Our reference application is a CFD code based on the Lattice Boltzmann (LB) method. The regular structure of LB algorithms makes them suitable for processor architectures with a large degree of parallelism. However, the challenge of exploiting a large fraction of the theoretically available performance is not easy to met. We consider a state-of-the-art two-dimensional LB model based on 37 populations (a D2Q37 model), that accurately reproduces the thermo-hydrodynamics of a 2D-fluid obeying the equation-of-state of a perfect gas. We describe in details how we implement and optimize our LB code for Xeon-Phi and GPUs, and then analyze performances on single- and multi-accelerator systems. We finally compare results with those available on recent traditional multi-core CPUs

    Numerical evidence of electron hydrodynamic whirlpools in graphene samples

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    We present an extension of recent relativistic Lattice Boltzmann methods based on Gaussian quadratures for the study of fluids in (2+1) dimensions. The new method is applied to the analysis of electron flow in graphene samples subject to electrostatic drive; we show that the flow displays hydro-electronic whirlpools in accordance with recent analytical calculations as well as experimental results
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